You can’t always be there! Therefore, your promotional display must be able to deal with visitors. The following ideas might be just right for your visitors. Be it brand at malls or any other event is such a daunting task. Every brand is more colorful and appealing than the other.

The goal is to get in touch with the visitors and to stay in their memory. In addition to an impressive active box outdoor design, impressive experiences must be offered. Visitors expect more than just a range of products. They want experiences that appeal to all of their senses on a physical, emotional, and intellectual level.

We have listed some ideas to make your active box outdoor design even more impressive and to keep visitors on the stall for longer. Here are a few ideas for your promotional displays that you can easily adopt for corporate activation, brand activation, or any other btl activity in India.

Augmented reality tour

Provide touch screens and headphones for an augmented reality tour on your activation space and add effective effects. This not only increases the length of time that visitors spend on your activation space, but your employees do not have to guide visitors around. They can gain their own experience and concentrate on the elements they are looking for. Ideally, they can share their experience with the products and services.

Live interviews

An alternative to live presentations are interviews that take place on your brand activation space with an industry expert or influencer relevant to your brand. Encourage visitors to ask questions themselves to increase brand awareness! It can be an entertaining campaign that you can use for your advertising activities as well.

Charity Events

If you cannot present your products live on-site, you should use measures such as charity events or fundraising for brand promotions and for drawing the audience’s attention. For example, with charities and fundraising, you can still appeal to your visitors. A good example of this is Charity Water, which provides remote villages with access to clean and safe water. For example, ask your visitors to carry two heavy jugs and walk about 1000 meters with them. It is a real experience that inspires visitors. At one of the last events, Charity Water asked visitors to take two heavy buckets and carry them 1,000 meters. It was a real hands-on experience for the visitors.

VR tours

Move your visitors to another place by offering a complete VR headset experience. It could be a virtual space that you created and designed or one of your products. Use VR technology to encourage visitors to take a closer look at you and your products. For example, a car manufacturer who wants to present its new model range can use VR simulations to give the visitor a virtual impression of the new product.

VIP lounges

Offer an oasis and a place to relax in the lively event or event hall. Try to integrate inexpensive technical comfort elements in your lounge area. Sometimes it is an unforgettable experience when visitors find rest to rest. Build a VIP lounge that is isolated from the rest of your stall space and partially soundproofed. Provide nap pods, Wi-Fi hotspots, and charging stations, as well as refreshments. It’s an excellent way to do sponsorship and branding.

While promoting your brand, it is of paramount importance to distinguish yourself there. Impressive experiences allow you to leave a lasting memory in the visitor’s memory and demonstrate how great your brand really is. Look for an experienced btl activities company in India, who have been there and done it for their clients.

These were some of the few trendy ideas to promote your brand at events. If you attend events frequently and are looking for cost-efficient reusable BTL promotion set ups, then investing in active box outdoor designs is a great option for you. Insta Brand Activations has over a decade of experience in designing modular, reconfigurable, reusable, easy to store and transport active box outdoor medium designs.