Portable Brand Activation Kits for Nationwide Promotions

Welcome to IBA (Insta Brand Activation). We are your go-to partner for robust and adaptable brand activation setups. We specialise in crafting promotional display kits or Active Boxes that blend into any setting – from dynamic mall activations and hospital promotions to dealer showrooms and hotel events. Additionally, our brand activation setups are ideal for outdoor engagements that include patios, lawns, and open-sky venues. This ensures that your brand stands out in every scenario. With IBA, you get portable, brand-aligned activation setups that easily adapt to your unique promotional needs.
Our sleek and compact brand promotion displays are designed for effortless assembly, enabling you to make an impact in an efficient way. Gone are the days when you had to deal with heavy displays and complex kiosks that slow down your campaigns. Our lightweight designs ensure quick setup, allowing you to move from one location to another with minimal effort. This means you can engage with your audience more and worry less about logistics. Our Active Boxes ensure that no matter where your event takes you, your brand will be presented in the best light, making every interaction with your audience unforgettable.

Call us on +91-9167246768 Or drop us an email at info@instabrandactivation.com